The Center for Selective C-H Functionalization brings together experts from across a broad range of chemical disciplines in order to address the challenges inherent to bringing this field into the mainstream of chemical logic. This collaborative network has an equally broad geographical distribution, with institutes from across the United States. Despite the physical dispersion of the research groups we have come together to foster an exciting and vibrant intellectual environment that provides the means to address challenges and problems that it would be impossible for groups to consider individually. Explore these pages to find out more about the who and what of the CCHF.
University of Wisconsin at Madison
The Scripps Research Institute
Emory University
Emory University
Stanford University
University of California, Los Angeles
Georgia Institute of Technology
Indiana University
University of Washington
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Emory University
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Emory University
University of California, Berkeley
Mississippi State University
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
University of Utah
Princeton University
University of Wisconsin at Madison
California Institute of Technology
The Scripps Research Institute
The Scripps Research Institute
Yu Group
University of California, Los Angeles
Houk Group
Mississippi State University
Scott Group
Georgia Institute of Technology
Jones Group
Stanford University
Du Bois Group
The Scripps Research Institute
Yu Group
Princeton University
Sorensen Group
California Institute of Technology
Stoltz Group
University of California, Berkeley
Sarpong Group
Stanford University
Du Bois Group
Princeton University
Sorensen Group
Stanford University
Du Bois Group
Emory University
Davies Group
Emory University
Davies Group
California Institute of Technology
Stoltz Group
The Scripps Research Institute
Yu Group
California Institute of Technology
Stoltz Group
The Scripps Research Institute
Yu Group
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Montgomery Group
Mississippi State University
Scott Group
University of California, Los Angeles
Houk Group
Princeton Unoiversity
Sorensen Group
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Movassaghi Group
Princeton University
Sorensen Group
Indiana University
Lewis Group
California Institute of Technology
Stoltz Group
Emory University
Blakey Group
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Sherman Group
Emory University
Blakey Group
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Stahl Group
Princeton Unoiversity
Sorensen Group
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Montgomery Group
University of California, Berkeley
Sarpong Group
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Sherman Group
Stanford University
Du Bois Group
Emory University
Blakey Group
Emory University
Davies Group
Emory University
Blakey Group
Emory University
Davies Group
University of California, Berkeley
Sarpong Group
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Stahl Group
Princeton University
Sorensen Group
Scripps Research
Blackmond Group
Emory University
Blakey Group
University of Washington
Luscombe Group
Emory University
Davies Group
Emory University
Blakey Group
Emory University
Davies Group
Emory University
Davies Group
The Scripps Research Institute
Yu Group
University of Washington
Luscombe Group
Emory University
Blakey Group
Princeton University
Sorensen Group
Mississippi State University
Scott Group
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Sherman Group
Georgia Institute of Technology
Marder Group
Emory University
Davies Group
Georgia Institute of Technology
Jones Group
Emory University
Davies Group
Emory University
Davies Group
Indiana University
Lewis Group
University of Michigan
Sherman Group
Princeton University
Sorensen Group
Emory University
Davies Group
University of Washington
Luscombe Group
Emory University
Musaev Group
Stanford University
Du Bois Group
The Scripps Research Institute
Yu Group
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Stahl Group
The Scripps Research Institute
Yu Group