CCHF 3rd Annual Frontiers in C–H Functionalization Meeting 2012


The 2012 Frontiers in C–H Functionalization, the CCHF Annual Meeting was held at Emory University

This meeting was soon after the official announcement that the CCHF had been successful in procuring the Phase II funding for the Center. The meeting thus focused on brainstorming the scientific network of collaboration that forms the backbone of a successful Center.

The first day was spent making effective introductions of the many primary investigators that are in the second phase of the Center, detailing the type of work that they do and the way in which they see themselves fitting into the Center model. This was followed by an overview of some of the success stories of the past years research endeavors. The Center members then spent a day and half meeting and brainstorming how best to start tackling the challenges that face the Center.

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